SANE version 1.0.18 has the most up to date stable version on the backend, see http://www.sane-project.org/ to get it. The backend is also available as a source patch against the latest stable SANE release (1.0.18). This patch allow to benefit from fixes for the umax_pp backend, without being possibly disturbed by any work in progress in the SANE backend framework. Fixes and enhancements in this patch are also available as part of SANE CVS repository. |
FTPGetting the patch should be the preferred method if you are allready using sane for other devices on the same machine you plan to attach the scanner, and don't want to upgrade to SANE 1.0.18. I all other cases, just use SANE 1.0.18 or SANE's CVS. You can get the current umax patch at project's file list You will also have to download sane-1.0.18-backends.tar.gz. See SANE homepage for details. |
CVSIf you prefer, you can use SANE's anonymous CVS to get the whole sane 1.0.18 patched backend package. The CVS repository holds the most up to date version of the 610P/1220P backend. You can get the source by doing: cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.alioth.debian.org:/cvsroot/sane login [password "anoncvs"] cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.alioth.debian.org:/cvsroot/sane co sane-backends |
BinariesFor those who prefer using pre-compiled binaries, there are packages available for Slackware 9.1 and and Mandrake 9.2. These packages are dedicated to the use a single umax 1220P/2000P parallel port scanner. They are tweaked to enable the backend and let other SANE default scanners enabled. However, if you changed the scanner list, it will be overwritten. These binaries can be donwloaded at http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=18313. Slackware 9.1To install the package, log as root. Then in a terminal, cd to directory where you downloaded the tgz package. If you are installing the package for the first time do: 'installpkg sane-umax_pp-1.0.13-i386-4.1.tgz'. If it's an upgrade of the package: type 'upgradepkg sane-umax_pp-1.0.13-i386-4.1.tgz'.You can also type 'pkgtool' and follow the on-screen instructions. Mandrake 9.2You can do it from the package installer in the config panel or from the command line (as root user). First step is to ensure that the following packages are installed:Then download: Install them from the mandrake's control panel or from the command line: 'rpm --upgrade libsane1-1.0.13-4.1umax_pp.i586.rpm libsane1-devel-1.0.13-4.1umax_pp.i586.rpm sane-backends-1.0.13-4.1umax_pp.i586.rpm'. |
Finally, you can get sources for the frontend (final client program) to run the backend. Currently, I am using xsane-0.991. You may also use 'xscanimage' from the sane frontend package. Tests have also be done with 'QuiteInsane' and 'kooka'. |
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